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LES/ACEL, 22.04.2004. 13 questions for Julia Savicheva.

This year the Eurovision Songcontest will take place in Turkey, Istanbul. On the different websites and in various publications concerning the Songcontest the singer representing Russia this year, Julia Savicheva with song Belive Me (lyrics: Brenda Loring and composer: Maxim Fadeev), has arisen interest in her. Our association had the privilege to interview ms Julia through internet and here are the answers of the young starlet.

1.You are very young, but already known as a singer in Russia. Due to what would You say yourself? Where lies the secret of Your music?

My secret lies in the excellent songs written by Maxim Fadeev. So it is actually Max’s secret and not mine!

2.When did You begin to sing?

I was only 3 years old when I started, but I begun to take it more seriously at the age of seven. Then followed a little break, and after turning 11 I understood that only music can be my occupation.

3.It is known that Your parents are also musicians.

My mother learned piano and she was a teacher in the music school for twelve years, at the moment though she does not do that anymore. My father on the other hand is an excellent drummer and we go on tours with him.

4.Do You think You could become a professional singer or You have some other plans as well?

Of course I would want to be a professional singer and I am sure I will be one!

5.Russia has been represented on the Eurovision Song contest by the so-called hard guns – Alla Pugacheva, Filipp Kirkorov and also T.A.T.U. Do You compare Yourself to them? With what feelings do You go to represent Russia this year?

I don’t have any intention to compare myself with nobody, because Eurovision is primarily a contest of songs not the artists.

6.How was Your song – Believe Me – born, is it the kind of music style that You like the most?

Max wrote it actually very quickly, but the arrangement took time, different versions were tested and now the final version is exactly that we wanted it to be. Concerning the style of it – it is a so-called euro standard-song (in a positive sense), written especially for the Eurovision Song contest.

7.This year the focus is on Belgium, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (if one observes the different Eurovision websites and forums). Do You care to comment? What do You think are Your chances to win this years’ contest?

What kind of chances...I haven’ t the faintest idea and I even don’ t want to have one! But obviously I will do all that I can in order to win!

8.Four years ago Estonians won the Eurovision with the duo of Tanel Padar and Dave Benton and their song ”Everybody”. What did You think about that song and also what do You think about Estonia’ s song this year? What do You know about Estonia and Estonians?

To be honest, I don’ t know anything about Estonia nor Estonians, but hopefully life will fill that void with time.

9.Who are Your favourite musicians, perhaps even idols?

My favourite ones are Limp Bizkit, Incubus, Tseitnot...I could list a whole lot more...but in reality I like to listen to GOOD music and I listen a lot and different styles.

10.Your life consists only of music? Or are there some other things You like to do on Your spare time?

Yeah, first and foremost my life is music. But I also like to dance and draw (unfortunately there haven’t been enough time lately to draw, but I hope to find it soon). Besides that I enjoy bike rides and physical activity in general – even plain walking. But unfortunately there just is not enough time for all of that right now.

11.Have You had the chance to visit Portugal or some other Southern-European countries?

I haven’ t been almost anywhere, only Cannes, where a song contest called WorldBest took place. Going there we also passed by Nice and Monte Carlo, all of which left me quite impressed, even shocked. Portugal...well, I hope I will have the chance to experience it in the future! From what I have heard and read it seems to a ”magical country”.

12.Do You think You are already famous or not enough famous yet? Is fame sweet?

Of course I am not famous enough! You asked is fame sweet, well there are a lot of minuses as well as pluses to fame, one can get tired of fame. Being famous one cannot wonder on the streets just like that and his/hers all life is for everybody to see. We could discuss about that topic more, but let’s see which turn my life will take.

13.Our last question is traditional – You can choose the question Yourself and also answer it.

I ask myself whether I will be changed in one-two years? And I answer – I will try to do all that I can not to let that happen, to stay the same person I am today. And what is the most important – try to be there for the people I care for, to these people who truly know and love me and whose opinion counts. I wish we will never be apart!

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